Yearly Report 2023

In Matthew 28:18 to 20 we find the following statement:

“Then Jesus came to them and said: Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And I will always be with you, until the end of time.”

Children make up a large group of the world’s population that is not being reached. According to data from the World Evangelization organization, approximately two billion children worldwide have never heard the gospel message. The evangelization and discipleship of children is the task of the church of Jesus. They are also targets and potential agents of the “Great Commission”.

The World Mission Board (JMM), through the Pre-School Education Program (PEPE), in partnership with evangelical conventions and churches, offers preschool education, with the integration of the Word of God, for children from impoverished communities in different countries worldwide. PEPE opens up our vision to unite faith with practical actions, expanding our understanding of the importance of children in the Kingdom, the Church and the Mission.

In this report we share the challenges and victories in reaching many children, families and communities. We are grateful to God for this privilege. We are also grateful to the many supporters of this work. Each of you contributed to thousands of children having access to the education and love of Jesus.

Let’s continue completing the mission together, in the power of the Holy Spirit!

Terezinha Candieiro
General Director of PEPE International