Kse’n Ta’ya? that’s the way that we say “How are you doing?” in mam, the new Guatemalan ethnicity from Maya ancestry where we are going with the PEPE project.
In La Lima, a Malacatán city, state of San Marcos in Guatemalan, near to Mexico’s boundery, emerged a new PEPE institution. Currently, we are meeting 20 crildren, 40 parents, 80 grandparents and many others relatives around each kid. Our goal it is to strenghthen the mission. So, that is becomes a new church.

Malacatán has approximately 110 thousand Inhabitants. That is, the majority belong or it is descendants of 95% Mestizos from Mam ethnicity. In which case 5% of Indigenous are living in urban and rural areas. They now occupy approximately 8% of Guatemala’s population and are bilingual, speaking Spanish and Mam. The Mam’s and Spanish’s languages are teach from the first elementary year to the third one.
One of their beliefs is that the moon indicates what the life of a newborn will be like. They are dedicated to the manufacture of musical instruments, handicrafts and agriculture, masonry, baking, beekeeping, carpentry and commerce. The staple food is beans, corn and coffee.
The Mam children need to the PEPE. Keeping praying for that a lot of new’s PEPE institutions being open in all Guatemala.
Nora Mendoza – coordinator from Guatemala’s PEPE.
Translation- Ester Elen Santiago Matos Alves.