Expanding is a permanent goal

Increasing the number of units and the amount of children assisted are goals that permeate the work plan of PEPE coordinators. In addition to the domestic growth, we intend to expand to new countries.  Nigeria was the country chosen by God for this expansion in Africa. 

Nigeria is a great country that has been the scenario of several acts of resistance to education and to the evangelical faith. Yet part of this country has a living church that loves God and wants to do his work. This is what happened through PEPE’s new national coordinator, Pr. Jacob Joji, who was interested in PEPE and sought in every way to facilitate the work of PEPE’s team in the opening process of the program in the country. 

The Nigerian Baptist Convention, represented by Vice-president Emmanuel Ubandoma, welcomed PEPE and we all can see the possibility of a great expansion of missionary work. Thus, the first training of missionary-educators was carried out and it was attended by 21 members of 5 churches interested and committed to implement PEPE. The training was a part of the process of implementing PEPE units. God has given grace and opened the doors for the authorization of operation by the local government.

Yes, we can already say that PEPE is working in Nigeria, serving the children who are the target of God’s love! We believe that God will yield results in this ministry by reaching children, families and communities with the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Pray with us for the advancement of Lord’s work!

Written by: David Fernando Panganhe