The doors are open!

As part of the expansion of the Pre-School Education Program (PEPE) to reach communities, families and children, the Lord has allowed us to get in touch with some French-speaking countries – Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ivory Coast, Central African Republic and Burundi – that are open to hosting the program in their different churches.

We sought all means to publicize PEPE and establish contacts with pastors and members of various conventions. When we establish contact with those responsible, we organize meetings via Zoom and Google Meet for the official presentation of the Program. When pastors wish to work with PEPE, a partnership agreement is signed as a sign of commitment. At the same time, we are launching other procedures for the successful implementation of PEPE in each country.

Currently, four countries are open and have already signed agreements to develop the PEPE program. In addition to these, we are moving on to other French-speaking countries such as Niger, Gabon and Chad. These countries have great challenges to overcome in many areas, but we already recognize the blessings of the Lord.

We praise the Lord for the work that is being done in the various countries, we pray that the Lord will  provide everything that they need for the proper functioning of the units and that He will train and assist the new coordinators who will be chosen to supervise the work in different countries.

Babène Christance Badiate – Coordenadora Regional