Supportive school lunch at Argentinian PEPEs

“The Lord is my shepherd; I will lack nothing.” This verse of Psalm 23 has been our stronghold at PEPEs, because we want that our missionary-educators and our children and their families learn to trust completely in God that is our shepherd and never allows us to lack something. It is wonderful to see how doors are open and how God use our lives to feed children and take love to each one of them. This is the experience of our PEPE coordinator in Argentina. She has shared with us her joy of making the difference in the lives of children, because in Argentina PEPE DOES NOT STOP!!!

This pandemic time, there are few work possibilities in town. Besides that, we are in a very cold season in the province of Misiones, in Argentina. The houses are not adequate to hold the strong cold, children do not have adequate clothes to warm them enough, and their parents do not have financial resources to provide the food they need.

Thinking about this reality of our children and their families, we have joined to prepare a delicious hot school lunch to warm the children. Many young people from the local Baptist church, among them, our missionary-educators, gathered donating ingredients and also their time to prepare the lunch. This movement brought such joy that we decided to call it Supportive School Lunch. Because of this movement we were able to set prayer meetings with the mothers of our children attending PEPE.

I felt so happy and thankful to the Lord for the privilege of sharing food with children’s families, helping to decrease the hungry and contribute to warm them, during this intense cold winter.

Graciela Alencastro
National coordiantor of PEPE Argentina

Text Edition: Carmen Ligia – Continental Coordinator of PEPE Americas

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