PEPE Paraguay: committed to childhood

It is necessary to plan to achieve the goals! Aware of this great challenge, the PEPE Paraguay team met to analyze and work with the Strategic Communication Plan with the aim of giving the best to our God reaching the children of PEPE with excellence.

Pastor Javier Galarza, current national coordinator of the Paraguayan PEPE, asked for my support, as regional coordinator of the South America PEPE, to develop the Continuous Training for Area Coordinators and the Visual Communication team. We met during a full day of intense work and communion at the Baptist temple of Campo Grande, In Asunción.

It was a challenging and blessed time with the PEPE team, which in turn made a firm commitment to the Program in the country and to the Paraguayan children in each city where the Program is operating.

Shared experiences and commitment to PEPE are exciting. Pastor Dr. Roberto Lugo, director of the Baptist Theological Seminary, who also shared this time with us, instructed us to continue working for the children, even if the economy is not favorable, because everyone has a lot to offer them, with creative ideas in each section.

We finished up with a moment of companionship and friendship, praying that our good God will continue to open fields for harvesting in Paraguay, even in the midst of great economic challenges.

Pr. Rubén González
PEPE Regional Coordinator South America

Translated by Márcia Garcia