PEPE gives voice to the children

The need to offer the child a special protection was enunciated in the Geneva Declaration of the Children Rights of 1924, Children’s Rights Declaration adopted by the General Assembly of UN in 1959 and in the Convention about the Children’s Rights signed on November 20th of 1989. And this year on November 20th was celebrated, especially, due to the 30 years of achievements of several organisms that contribute on the actions that become the Rights of the child.

PEPE has contributed in the awareness and defense of these rights in its acting fields, like in the case of San Tome and Principe and Republic of Guinea.

For the National Coordinator of PEPE in San Tome “this date is meaningful because it serves to show to the adults the responsibility to guarantee these Rights for our children”, and she still adds, “unfortunately, everyday these agreements are broken due to the decriminalization, exclusion, violence suffered by the children, besides the abandonment”.

PEPE in San Tome gave voice to the pepitos and among the several activities developed related to the topic, we highlight the organization of a walking where the pepitos carried cards showing the rights that they have. Under the look of several people on the streets, the pepitos announced that is needed that all their rights be respected.

Likewise, the PEPE in Guinea developed works with the pepitos and with the community to make known the “Child Rights”, that in many aspects, are neglected due to the ignorance of a great part of the population. A work of awareness and appreciation of the child, based on their rights, entered the street with PEPE in Forecariah in Guinea. The pepitos and PEPE’s team made a walk mobilizing the community to hear about the imperative need to defend the children.

Besides these punctual activities PEPE has worked hard in all the acting countries about the “child Protection”. An awareness work is done during the year with the pepitos of each unit of PEPE, with the churches involved and the communities. It is a continuous work and it brings good results. The parents, sometimes, got shocked when they heard about the topic of “Child Protection”, such amazement is due to the daily practices that violates the rights of the child and specially her protection. Many has reported that they ignore all these information, even though they think they are useful and needed for the well-being of the children.

Bit by bit the communities and the parents are being impacted with works done by the teams of PEPE that counts on the very important participation of the pepitos.

Let’s keep going it’s time to act!

José Ricardo
Continental Coordinator of PEPE Africa
and Anilza Quaresma
National Coordinator in Sao Tome and Principe

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