PEPE, beginning a new school year in Sao Tome and Principe

The Republic of Sao Tome and Principe is a small Island State in development, of a low average yield, with a fragile economy. It is located on the Guinea Gulf, 350 km from the west Coast of Africa. The country is extremely vulnerable to external incidences, being them social or geographic. Recent estimates of the World Bank show that about a third of the population lives with less than 1.9 dollar per day, and more than two thirds of the population lives in the poverty line with 3.2 dollars per day.

It is know that the pre-school teaching possibilities the development of skills that will allow the student a better emotional and intellectual adaptation into the primary teaching. Therefore, the government of Sao Tome and Principe recognizes that due to the difficulties faced during the post independence period this teaching was left for second plan during the last 30 years. Focusing in this perspective PEPE has been used as an extra tool to fight to change the reality of this country.

In October we received a visit from the PEPE Southern Africa regional coordinator to learn about the work that has been done for over 10 years in Sao Tome and Principe. Today we have a total of 5 units with 220 children enrolled and benefited by the program. In addition, we have 16 missionary-educators that are available to serve God taking hope to the hearts of the Santomense children. During the visit we had the privilege of going to all the units, having contact with the missionary-educators and the children and watching closely how those at-risk children have been educated and cared for. We also had a meeting with the entire team, including church pastors, where we presented the PEPE Unit Implementation Manual in which we can find key tools for unit development.

Before starting the school activities the PEPE team had a training where they received guidelines and information about the work development, besides organizing their teaching-learning material that will be used during the school year. In this occasion we had the privilege to receive the president pastor of the Consulting Board of PEPE in Sao Tome.

The 220 children going to PEPE are being prepared to develop their skill to face the primary school, to live in society, and above all to know the love of Jesus Christ.

We praise God for these children being blessed in Sao Tome and Principe and we ask you to pray for each one of them.

David Panganhe
Regional Coordinator of PEPE in Southern Africa

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