The population of Beira, Dondo and Buzi, benefits of the second vaccination campaign against cholera.
After the cyclone IDA passage by the center of Mozambique, the cities of Beira, Dondo and Buzi were seriously damaged, many families have lost their houses, belongings and many of their dear ones. Besides that, the population was seriously affected by a cholera epidemic. Due to this situation on April 3rd , in the city of Beira happened the first vaccination campaign against cholera, which official launching happened at the accommodation Center of IFAPA, place that holds about 3.500 people. With the launching of the campaign were created brigades that worked inside the communities to guarantee that everybody was benefited. It was the first phase of the campaign, where that were already infected received the medical care at the care centers for patients with cholera.
On July 15th was launched the second vaccination campaign, where more than 900.000 doses of the vaccine against cholera were available to benefit not only the population of Beira, Dondo and Buzi, but also Cabo Delgado. In this second campaign, health teams were prepared and separated in brigades to help at the care centers inside the city of Beira and locations mentioned above. Five of our PEPE units were chosen to receive some brigades formed by the health ministry to benefit the children as well the communities where they are inserted. PEPE has been a partner of great value not only for health ministry but also for the community where it is, as it is a reference place when there are vaccination campaigns against any type of epidemic in the region. This area of Beira counts on more than 1.350 children assisted by the program PEPE, being all of them benefited by the second dose of the vaccine against cholera.
In this campaign, according to the fonts, the health ministry expects to have vaccinated all the individuals that took the first dose of the vaccine, guaranteeing thus, the necessary immunization against the disease for a period of 5 years.
David Panganhe
Regional Coordinator of PEPE Southern Africa