It’s vacation time in Venezuela, so the PEPE’s are also on vacation, but the children are still in full activity. Throughout the country, there is a great movement in churches that simultaneously hold Vacation Bible Schools, the famous VBS. It is a great opportunity for the church team and the Missionary-Educators to get to the children’s homes because we take the opportunity to make visits by carrying out the PEPE GOES, child support visitation.
Elizabeth was a student at PEPE in 2016, always observant and curious to learn everything that her dear Missionary-Educator taught. She graduated and continued her studies at the primary school in his neighborhood and today, at the age of 12, she remains in the church, also learning to work with the children. In this Vacation Bible School, she actively participated in helping the missionaries by sharing with the children the different biblical stories that she learned when she was at PEPE.
Victoria was also a student at one of the PEPE units, she has a sad early life story because her mother died the day after her birth. She was raised by her grandmother who helped her through this very difficult situation. When she was four years old, she joined PEPE where she was cared for and received all the love and affection from her Missionary-Educators. Today, the two actively participate in church activities and left their mark by helping with so much joy to teach other children in the VBS of their PEPE church.

Rosbeli is also another story of transformation that happened through PEPE because, through her, her mother, grandmother, aunts and cousins came to know Jesus and are firmly congregating in the church.
So, like these three former nuggets, we have many others who got to know Jesus when they were studying at PEPE, took Jesus into their homes, and today are active in their churches singing, praying and teaching the stories of Jesus, the way they learned.
PEPE is an instrument of God to bring Jesus into the lives of thousands of Venezuelan children and we praise God for giving us the opportunity to be part of this story!
Keep contributing and praying for PEPE!
Ruth Cordero
PEPE Venezuela National Coordinator
Carmen Ligia – text review
Translated by David Balmant do Espirito Santo