In PEPE I met Jesus

In search of a better life for his family, Don Lesdy Tinoco emigrated from a very distant community in the interior of Nicaragua to the city of Sébaco, together with his beloved wife and their little four-year-old daughter named Génesis.

Concerned about their daughter’s education, they began to see where they could enroll her to take the first steps in her school life. They were very happy when, in February of this year, they were able to enroll in the PEPE at Peniel Baptist Church. With the excellent relationship of the Missionary-Educator and the pastor of the Church with the parents, a greater bond was established with Don Lesdy and his wife.

They were happy to be able to give their daughter an opportunity to study without knowing that PEPE would be used by God to transform all of their lives. The daughter began to study and, with her parents, began to attend church services. Soon they understood the plan of salvation and received Jesus as Savior and Lord, thus beginning to take the first steps in the Christian life through discipleship. To complete the joy, the pastor of the church gave them the opportunity to work in the temple as caretakers and they received a place to live.

In view of all that God was doing in the family, the parents decided to legalize the marriage and, in a ceremony to God, consecrated their lives as a couple and as a family. Soon after, the happiness was even bigger when Don Lesdy, now our brother Lesdy, took the step of obedience by descending into the baptismal waters and leaving behind his former life of sin. Due to some problems that arose on the day of the baptism, the wife could not be baptized that same day and is waiting for the new opportunity later this year.

The family testifies to the ever-complete love of God found in PEPE Peniel by giving them salvation, taking care of their daughter, providing housing and a job. This is how our PEPE God loves children and their families!

Keep praying and offering for PEPE.

Reaching children, we transform generations!

Lizeth from Trinidad
National coordinator PEPE Nicaragua

Translated by David Balmant do Espirito Santo