Living compassion to complete the mission

Mateo, one of the boys enrolled in PEPE Angelitos de Dios, from the state of Portuguesa, Venezuela, became very ill and was diagnosed with severe malnutrition, this fact brought a lot of concern to the local and national PEPE team. Mateo was included in the program “There is hunger in the world”, by the World Missions Board, and began to be taken care of with the enriched flour (which in Portuguese in call Faith), produced from grains and green leaves, which was included in his daily diet. His mother Yesenia, who suffered for a long time and was undergoing periodic blood transfusions, encouraged by her son, asked the Missionary-Educator if she could also consume the Enriched Flour. As a result, seven months later, Yesenia was released by doctors from the need to undergo blood transfusions or take medication.   

Mateo, the son, is already stronger and has managed to gain weight, with brighter eyes, and much better nutritional health. This testimony impacted his entire family, and, therefore, they all accepted Jesus and are currently joining the church and learning the first steps in the Christian life.

What a joy and privilege to be able to see this miracle with my own eyes recently when I visited PEPE’s projects in Venezuela.  

This story is the result of the compassionate work of the entire PEPE team and all those who cooperate with their prayers and contributions to this ministry. In addition to this one, other stories of life, salvation, health, restoration, educational opportunities are being written in the lives of more than 20,000 children who are part of PEPE in the 32 countries where we operate this year 2022. With joy we can say “Up to here the Lord has helped us…” we serve with the compassion that Jesus taught us.

However, the work is not over. The mission is not complete. There are many other children and families around the world who are not being reached. The year 2022 ends, but a new year arises with new challenges, the greatest of which is to complete the mission that the Lord gives us, that of making disciples of all nations, peoples and ethnicities, ages and generations.

Let’s complete the mission by also reaching children for Jesus!

Terezinha Candieiro
General Coordination of PEPE International