Backpacks for children from PEPE Mexico

With the help of the civil association “Serve and Give”, the lives of the boys and girls of PEPE Mexico were blessed with the delivery of 76 kits of school supplies and 76 backpacks that will help each child to be ready for the beginning of the 2022 school year -2023, which is a reason for gratitude to our God on behalf of each family represented. This help was a great opportunity to share the love of Jesus with the families. We hold small prayer groups with the families and have a list of prayer requests that we will be praying for and visiting each of the families.

We can talk about the great testimony of Ashly , one of the PEPE children, her family was going through many financial needs since her father had an accident at the gas station, where he was an employee, and, therefore, he had not worked for 2 months. Her mother worked cleaning houses and with the money she earned she fed Ashly and her sister. This family was going through a very difficult financial situation and they did not have the resources to buy the necessary materials so that Ashly could continue studying. It was a wonderful moment to see this family being surprised and motivated by the blessing of our God with the delivery of the school material kit and backpack .

We thank our God for his blessing to PEPE Mexico and thank you all for your prayers, offerings and support. Please continue to pray for pastors and churches in Mexico to accept the challenge to start new PEPE units.

Pr. Dan Salgado – PEPE Mexico national coordinator

Translated by David Balmant do Espirito Santo