Gestures that bring hope: a doctor visits PEPE Yacarr

Gestures that bring hope: a doctor visits PEPE YacarrKachumeh is a simple village here in the region, it has about one thousand inhabitants. The closest health clinic is in a village more organized called Sanyang. Exactly in this simple village was where we implemented our first PEPE unit in the Gambia, PEPE Yacarr, hope in one of the local languages.

Many times when the children of the village are sick, the parents are not able to take them to the hospital because they do not have money to pay for the fare. Thus complicating the health and development of the children as they are not assisted by a doctor.

One day I got sick and went to see the doctor in a project called SOS, there I met a Christian doctor named dr. Adelard. I talked to him about our PEPE children in Kachumeh and invited him to go and visit our children one Saturday for a check, and he readily accepted the invitation.

So we talked to the parents of the children and told them to bring their children Saturday morning to see the doctor. They liked the news and agreed promptly. They not only brought the PEPE children but also their little brothers and sisters.

Thus, dr. Adelard spent the morning checking on the children. He was happy to see how our children were visible being cared, happy and healthy. He said they were different from other children he sees in the project and in other villages.

After checking on the children he also had a talk with the parents to aware them about the importance of their children health and to look for a doctor when their children got sick. The parents got grateful for the doctor going until the village, as they do not have the conditions to take their children for routine controls.

I am happy for other people being able to see that PEPE here in accomplishing its role of taking care of the children holistically and their families, making the difference in the community where we are inserted.

Sometimes small attitudes, as an invitation, can show the love of the Father where we are. Through PEPE not only children but also their families have known this love and have found hope for their lives.

Tatiana Oliveira
PEPE Coordinator in Gambia
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