Expansion in the North of Senegal

Senegal is a challenging country when it comes to evangelism. However, as expansion is an objective of the PEPE action plan, the Northern region of the country has become a target for us. This is the least reached region by the gospel, with only one unit and several cities that do not have a single evangelical church.

In June, the Lord was gracious to us by allowing us to travel to carry out PEPE outreach in Louga, capital of the Louga Region in Northwestern Senegal. The city is an important regional capital for being one of the largest economic centers in the country. We started our meeting with the presentation of the Program to the pastoral couple, then we answered questions related to the functioning of the PEPE unit and then we proceeded to a visit to the place where the project will be developed. We found that the space is big enough and adequate to meet the needs of children and to encourage their development.

The partnership agreement has already been read and approved by the head of the church. Soon, we will make another trip to sign the agreement and start the administrative process with the education inspection so that the unit can function in the 2022-2023 school year.

The North of Senegal is an area very closed to the Gospel. However, with a PEPE unit operating there, there is an open door for the church to be able to establish contact with the community. Let us pray to our Lord God that this dream that He himself started will finally be realized.

Marie Simone Nango
National Coordinator

Translated by Gerson Paulino Raquissone

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