A good definition of entrepreneurship is the art and science of enterprise, finding solutions, carrying out projects, and transforming opportunities into profitable businesses. At PEPE, we care about the extension of child care in their homes, so we are partnering with organizations to empower and help families generate resources. We share with you what we have done in the Salvadoran PEPEs.
We are establishing new alliances and, this time, with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which is willing to help in our units training mothers and young people in entrepreneurship with the support of CONAMYPE and Ciudad Mujer.
Cutting and sewing – As part of the initiatives supported by ABES (Baptist Association of El Salvador) and Canadian Baptist Ministries, some missionary educators and mothers of the children of PEPE Semillas de Amor and Caritas Alegres of the First Baptist Church of Ahuachapán, are participating in the Cutting and Sewing workshop where they learn to make uniforms so that they develop skills to generate income for their families and be supportive of their churches, PEPE and communities.
Handmade chocolates – In partnership with ABES and Canadian Baptist Ministries, workshops are being held with the mothers of the children of two PEPEs to learn how to make handmade chocolates to sell and generate income for their families. They are getting capital to leverage the business.
Chicken farming – In three other units of PEPE, we are developing the project of breeding laying hens, directly with 10 mothers of children of PEPE, in partnership with CONVOY and ABES, also involving children and their families for proper feeding and nutrition and good learning, because children follow the stages of growth and care. Twenty-five chicks were delivered to each family that was helped in adapting the place with drinkers and food for proper care.
Homemade disinfectants – In partnership with the institution Semillas de Nueva Creación, PEPE Simiente Infantil is conducting training with mothers for the preparation of homemade disinfectants for internal use and sale for income generation.
Bean planting – In partnership with CONOY OF HOPE, we have developed the bean planting project with 30 families of the children of the PEPEs and the maintaining churches located in Chalchuapa. We provide training and seeds so that 30 new farmers can grow and generate food for their families, as well as financial resources through sales.
We will continue to work together so that each Salvadoran child, especially those who are in PEPEs, has the opportunity to grow up healthy and live as healthy and happy children, being cared for, not only in PEPE but also in their families.
Pray that we at PEPEs in El Salvador can complete the mission!
Veronica Torrento – national coordinator PEPE El Salvador
Translated by Letícia Pedrosa Rodrigues