Sofia, little PEPE missionary in Mexico

We thank our God for all his care and blessings in our lives. Trusting that our Lord has been faithful, dear brothers and sisters, we would like to share with you a testimony of the great power and love of God in the lives of our children in PEPE in Mexico.

In April, during the regular activities of PEPE “Servir y Dar” in the city of Monterrey, Nuevo León, we received news that the family of one of our children in PEPE had been robbed in their home and someone had been shot with a revolver. The affected family was that of little Sofia Mendoza.

Immediately, with the help of the leaders of this unity, we were able to accompany Sofia’s family to the hospital, who follows SANTA MUERTE, an image that personifies death and is venerated in the country. Despite our different beliefs they allowed us to share the Word of God and let Sofia hear and participate in teachings of PEPE.

By accompanning the family in this tough time, we had the opportunity to preach the Gospel and they could see the power of God in the life of Sofia’s father, who had been hit by a bullet. This served to make this family more receptive to the message of the gospel and to realize how Sofia prayed to our God for her dad. What a great emotion to hear Sofia talking to God in the simple and sincere words from the heart of a child who loves her dad and is learning to fully trust in God!

We appreciate all your prayer support for the ministry in Mexico. God has been faithful and we trust that he will continue doing his work on the lives of the children and their families.

Pr. Dan Tostado – Nacional Coordinator of PEPE Mexico.

Translated by Victor Baptista