On August 6, the National Children’s Day was celebrated in Chile. Usually on this day we worry about buying dolls, cars, bicycles, balls, etc., but we at PEPE Chile wanted to give every child in PEPE who is learning to read the opportunity to receive a Bible in their native language. A Bible with drawings and stories so they can understand and learn well. And God made our dream come true!
In collaboration with GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH we received donations to buy 360 Bibles. With the help of other brothers and sisters, we reached the amount needed to purchase a total of 500 Bibles and then happily set out to bring the Word of our God to every child. The Bibles were distributed to children who live in economic hardship and whose families have no means to buy a Bible. We were happy to have children from the regions of Araucanía and Antofagasta.
“That Sunday morning, one of my children came to an outreach with his new Bible under his arm, which touched me deeply,” said a mission educator.

Fernando, a boy who is not yet a Christian, put his Bible on the table and told his friends to be quiet because he wanted to tell them something. They all fell silent, he opened his Bible and surprisingly began to tell a story.
“Our daughter Hadassah is so happy about the gift that the Eternal Father has given her. May our God bless all those who made it possible for our sons and daughters to hear the Word of God,” said a mother.
What a feeling when the tenderness of a child is shown and the Word of God is shared to change the lives of children who are still in formation, and at the same time to reach their families!
This is the moment to reach children, we can not wait anymore, tomorrow could be too late. The mission work we do to reach children cannot be quantified, because the seed is sown and we know it does not come empty-handed.
A Bible in every home of every child of PEPE, we will continue to work towards this goal until the mission is accomplished!
Maria Amélia Sepúlveda – National Coordinator of PEPE Chile
Text editing – Carmen Ligia
Translated by Victor Baptista