A day that exceeded all expectations in Mali!

It was announced to mark the end of the socio-educational activities in pre-school education units (PEPE) after a year of intense activity, and it was held together with the celebration of the International Day of the African Child. It was a colorful day attended by children and their parents – more than 95% of whom are not Christians – in large numbers from Bamako Niamakoro, Niamana, Mounzou and N’Darala, as well as local and administrative authorities.

The theme of the 2023 International Day of the African Child was:

“Let us take urgent action in favor of street children”.

Based on the story of the boy Moses (Exodus 1:5), who was rescued from the waters of the river Nilo by Pharaoh’s daughter, the auditorium receives a call to be instruments of God to give hope to children and to take them off the streets and out of conditions of abandonment and violence. Prevention is as important as healing. Everyone must participate in this work to support vulnerable children. Every child, Christian and non-Christian parents, leaders and other actors of civil society must get involved. The Church has also formed a Friends of Children Club to reach out to others who do not participate in the PEPE program.

There is still much to do, but great initiatives like this encourage us to move forward in proclaiming the Gospel. We would like to thank JMM for its support, without which this mission could not be accomplished for the glory of God and the happiness of our nation’s children.

Keep praying and donating for PEPE!

To God be the glory!

1 Corinthians 15:57-58

José Ricardo Nascimento – Continental Director of PEPE Africa

Translated by Victor Baptista