Practice of inclusive education in PEPE

Mission educator Marilen Ruiz uses her life experience to practice inclusive education at PEPE Caritas Felices in Nicaragua. Marilen was the first mission educator to start her work and together with Pr. Francisco, she initiated PEPE Caritas Felices in 2016 at Jeová Jireh Baptista Church in the municipality of Colônia Canadá, San Rafael del Sur, in Managua. She has accomplished much by showing the love of God to the children through her teachings and her life with them.

Due to family reasons, Marilen had to move to another city in the country and left her ministry at PEPE in 2017 with great regret. During that time, she became pregnant and had a beautiful son named Miguelito, who was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In 2023, she returned to live in the municipality of Colônia Canadá and was given the opportunity to work at PEPE again.

Marilen is deeply grateful to God that she has the opportunity to care for children with much love. At the same time, she personally cares for her son Miguelito, a 5-year-old boy who is doing very well in PEPE thanks to the special care that is offered to him. She told that she trained herself self-taught through the Internet and other means for the care of children with autism. She also said that she feels motivated because she has the opportunity to work in PEPE again and take care of her son and other children with similar problems. Her life has changed, she personally lives and practices the importance of providing inclusive education in PEPE.

Continue to pray and support PEPE!

Lizeth de Trinidad – National Coordinator of PEPE Nicaragua