A son who did not give up on his father

José Matias* is a beautiful 5 years old boy, born into a family with few financial resources, but with a lot of love. He is in the 2º year of PEPE, in Bolivia, and beyond being a very smart boy, he shows up great affection to all of his classmates. He is always on time and glad. He likes to accomplish all the tasks given by the missionary educator, to be free, to happily run around everywhere, enjoying each minute of his recreation while playing with his friends.

When heard about the love of God on PEPE, José Matias invited all his family to go to the church with him. His mother did not deny the invitation, but his father did not even want to set a foot into the church. It seemed an almost impossible mission, but José Matias did not give up on his father and continued inviting him and also praying for him. Then, last year, on father’s day, he has succeeded bringing his father to the church for the first time to watch his PEPE’s presentation with other kids.

For a while, José’s father kept showing up a great lack of interest in following the steps of his son. But, little by little, his attitude started to change while he noted that his son loved PEPE and used to be very happy when Sunday’s arrived and he could get to the church. God has used José Matias’ testimony to touch his father’s heart. Today, all of his family has accepted Jesus as their Savior and we can see parents getting into the worship services hand given with their son.

PEPE exists to change children and their relatives lives!

Changing lives is a great challenge because it requires love and self giving, as Jesus made when gave himself unconditionally for the salvation of so many people. Transformation is to make the difference in kids’ and their relatives’ lives.

Carmen Andrade
Continental Coordinator of PEPE in America

Translated by: Juliana Luizetto

*fictional name

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