“A boy was born bringing hope to all children!”

“For to us a child is born, to us a son was given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Might God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace”. Isaiah 9.6

What a wonderful promise this one we have read on the book of Isaiah. Promise, which was accomplished and needs to be known by every men. The Christmas time reminds us the of God empting himself of His Glory, becoming a child – God boy- and came to the world to bring peace to men of good will.

The God boy rescues the value and recognition of the little ones among us. Jesus tells us: “Who receives one these children in my name, is receiving me” (Mathew 18:5).

Therefore, receiving a child is to receive Jesus. This changes how we see the child and challenges us even more to love her, value her, protect her, care and nourish as someone worthy and very important for God Father, because if we do not do it, we will steal from her the most precious thing put on her by God: a heart dependent on the Father.

It call us to pay attention to the fact of Jesus have come also for the little ones. Jesus was sent by God to evangelize the poor, the needy, the blind, the captive, the ones with dependent and opened hearts to hear his message. He does not see limit of age, but He sees the condition of a sincere and ready heart, which can understand the Kingdom things.

The Christmas message is inclusive, brings dignity and value to all children and to all humanity.

We thank you for being with us during this whole year of 2020, a year that was full of challenges. Your prayers and contributions made all the difference for the continuity of this ministry that blesses so many children in the world.

Children, together with the whole PEPE team thank and wish to all of you, a blessed Christmas and a New Year full of the presence and peace of Jesus!

Mis. Terezinha Candieiro
General Coordinator of PEPE International

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