Live of PEPE El Salvador mobilizes churches

The work done during the pandemic with PEPE GOES VIRTUAL was to well-succeeded that called the attention of our Regional Coordinator, Gladys Ortiz. So, she called us immediately to propose us to make a “live” with the purpose of promoting PEPE. We have accepted the challenge and gathered to claim to God and plan the event.

We started choosing the day and time. Soon we made the program and decided which materials would be presented: parent’s testimonies, children that are studying and the ones that have already graduated at PEPE, PEPE GOES VIRTUAL’s results, word of area Coordinators and Pedagogical Coordinator, videos of our children performing choreographies of PEPE songs. The whole national team was extremely excited, taking care of everything to be done with excellence, to give the best to our God!

To motivate the participation of churches, an idea came out, during the 8 days before the event, we posted on the page of ABES – Baptist Association of EL Salvador – and on our PEPE Network page of El Salvador. The first posts were about the theme of JMM for the year of 2020 “Change the world with Jesus’ joy” The second post would highlight PEPE’s work with children and would appreciate the support of our coordinators, missionary-educators and families for this work to be done.

The third post would make known the social work of PEPE, where thanks to people committed to the Kingdom and the care with children, we took food to our dear children’s families. The fourth post would show the visitation work with families, which has been a blessing during this period, even happening virtually. The fifth post was about the formation we have done to prevent children’s sexual abuse.

The fifth would encourage all the Salvadorian people to pray and support the missionary-educators and coordinators to do all the work with love, faith, commitment and hope. The seventh would approach the prayer as the project’s pillar, motivating, thus all children to have a relationship with our God. At last, the eighth post would show how the team kept united and with continuously formations during the pandemic.

On the day of the Live , we were very moved with the results we reached: many people not only followed the live, but also asked questions and sent comments of support, gratitude for the work done by PEPE in the whole country.

We give glory to God by the event done and we expect to keep working to reach all Salvadorian children to Christ through PEPE!!!

Veronica Torrento
Coordinator of PEPE El Salvador

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