PEPE has started its first unit in the Republic of Togo in the year 2016 in Lome, capital of the country. As a result of partnership between the WBM and the BCT ( Baptist Convention of Togo) the Program started its activities supplying a great need in the country that is the lack of access to the education, above all the childhood education, according to Unicef 10.9% boys and 11.1% girls in preschool age. The work was started through the missionary Roberto Gomes and now we are in a phase of formation of a local worker for the coordination in the country.

This year of 2019 besides formation of a new National Coordinator of PEPE in Togo, we also made several formation meetings for the whole team of PEPE in the country. This work of continued formation is part of the routine of the whole team of PEPE Network, we are always seeking the improvement to better serve the children, their families and community.

As a part of our expansion plan and sharing the missionary vision, we have accepted the challenge given by B.C.T. of presenting the proposal of the program to the pastors that are implementing churches in the North of Togo. We have traveled more than 1 thousand kilometers, visiting churches and leaders in several communities in the North.

The North region of Togo suffers several problems, I saw many needs and people with whom I talked, told me that their biggest worries are: lack of school and health services. One of the things that impacted me the most in this visit was seeing the risks and dangers the children pass through to be able to study. In almost all the paths I passed by, I saw children of all ages, including 4 years ones walking through the road to go to school, which in many cases are located several kilometers far from their houses. Besides all the dangers and violence which the children are exposed every day in this dangerous path to school, they are also exposed to physical fatigue conditions even before starting the classes. All this complex context from the socio-economic point of view of the region, show us the great need of the work of PEPE in the region, but it also shows the challenges that we have to face as a socio-educative-missionary Program to be implemented and developed in the region.

We thank the Lord for the rich opportunity to be able to participate in this beautiful changing work that He is doing in Togo and the region. Pray with us for the Lord of the harvest to send enabled workers to work with PEPE in this challenger context. Pray as well for the material and financial resources for the building of classrooms, toilets, furniture for the classes and for the training of the new members of the team.

With gratitude and fraternal love,

Pr. Fernando dos Santos
Regional Coordinator – PEPE Western Africa 2

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