First foreign volunteer in PEPE India

This month of July we received the first foreign volunteer from Italy through the Volunteers without Borders program to serve at PEPE India.

The PEPE unit had the support of the Italian volunteer for three weeks, carrying out specific activities with the children such as games, games, experiences to learn to wash their hands, songs, and others.

She participated in the visitation program: PEPE VAI accompanying the educator on visits to the children’s homes. In the first week, she was shocked by the social differences in which the families live and the state of extreme poverty.

But at the same time, she also learned how, even in these conditions, they tried to share what little they had, always offering tea and biscuits, and how grateful they were for being listened to, for the work done with the children, and for the prayers.

The educators were very grateful for her presence and for all the support received this month, they even cried with the farewell of the volunteer who showed the Father’s love for the children and the educators. Both educators offered meals in their homes to the volunteer as a way of saying thank you for all the work done.

We were able to visit the community where we will open 3 new PEPE units and follow some of the work to identify the children and have a time of communion with the new educators and area coordinators who are being trained to work there in that region.

We praise the Father for this opportunity that HE has given us to receive this volunteer, and we hope that more volunteers may be willing to donate some of their vacation time to serve in our PEPEs in Asia, as many children and families need to know the love of the Father, and this is possible through simple activities that impact the lives of children, their families and the entire PEPE team.

Halima Ferreira – Continental Director of PEPE in Asia.

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