Master Acts

In Africa , in a country called Benin there is a PEPE unit surrounded by a great diversity of social and religious challenges. In this Unit there is a beautiful girl called Joy, she comes from a family who belongs to a religious sect that mixes animist and Christian practices. Since, Joy was enrolled at PEPE, she came barefoot, making the missionary educator uncomfortable with the situation, so he asked to her mother why she comes  barefoot, so her mother told him that they don`t  have money to buy sandals to them. What would the Master do? The missionary- educator sensitized, bought sandals to the girl and when they go for a visiting  to the family, through our program called PEPE VAI( PEPE GOES), they gave her the sandals and her family got so happy with that act of love for their daughter.

The Little Joy now could go to  PEPE´s unit with sandals just like the other children , but  unfortunately she being absent at PEPE´s class, so once more  and with zeal the missionaries-educators went to Joy´s  house to  understand why she was missing the classes, and they got to know that her father passed way. The family situation was not easy without him at home and brought a lot of concern. We don´t know about the family´s future, however the church is not standing idly by in face of the event, but they are being present, witnessing in a practical way, in order to the Gospel reaches them.

The Master´s act can and should be practiced by His disciples  The church in Benin, through PEPE is practicing acts of love as part of its mission. What acts of love can you do for your neighbor? Maybe visiting a sick person or making a donation to those in need!

Pray and contribute for PEPE!

Lèvi Midokpe Koudjo – PEPE´s coordinator in Benin

Translated by Ana Maria dos Santos Ignacio

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