From mistreated child to missionary-educator

Gabriela is 26 years old, her biggest desire since she was little was to be a teacher or a lawyer and to give children all the love, understanding, protection and respect that she didn’t have in childhood. Her greatest desire is to fight for the rights of children in terms of the protection and affection they deserve, as our Lord Jesus Christ teaches in His Word.

Her childhood was very sad, suffering severe abuse, however, her goal in life has always been to work for children, defend their rights wherever she is, give them all the love they need to feel God’s love in their lives. . She struggled to complete high school and later a bachelor’s degree in Pedagogy with an emphasis on initial training, having just received her university degree.

As a teenager, she met Jesus Christ who completely transformed her life, finding love and hope. Her dream came true when she became a missionary-educator, since 2020 at PEPE Caritas Felices, of the Jehovah Jiréh Baptist Church, located in Colonia Canada, Managua, Nicaragua.

She carries out her work with great passion and love for children, which makes every day at PEPE an extraordinary and wonderful day for the little ones. She prepares all the didactic material with a lot of initiative and color, sings beautifully, plays and dances. And she expresses that the biggest motivation in her life is to teach and love children, giving them what they may not have in their homes.

Gabriela says that she is infinitely grateful to God for PEPE, for the opportunity they gave her in the Church to teach children.

Sandra Lizeth Detrinidad
PEPE Nicaragua national coordinator

Translated by David Balmant do Espirito Santo

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