
The Western African PEPE received about 480 materials this year, through a love offering of the Baptist Church of Água Branca. This offering was addressed for to printing of the manuals in French that will be used in that region.

The church has a program called IBAB solidarity network and this project support many organizations with programs and social projects in Brazil and abroad. PEPE network is one of the programs sustained for this church. Their goal is: To become visible solidarity expressions and justice that show the kingdom of God in the world. This church offers to PEPE because they understand that PEPE shares the same vision.

According to the coordination of one of the benefited countries this offering is a big victory for the PEPE in French language. With this action 50 units are being benefited. The units of PEPE are better equipped to develop the ministry, besides given more seriousness to the work it accomplishes before the religious and government authorities in West Africa.

The materials are composed of manuals of protection for the child to the coordinator, churches and to the parents; manuals about nature and society, manuals of Mathematics, manuals of Health education, manuals of base formation and continuous formation, manuals for the national coordinators and personalized bags of PEPE.

“We need to be grateful to the Baptist Church of Água Branca through the IBAB solidarity network for the contribution to make true this dream. Personally I am very thankful to God for the vision and generosity of the church that always supports this ministry”, declares Terezinha Candieiro, member of the church and coordinator of PEPE International.

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