Opportunities to serve in Asia

Asia is the biggest continent of the world as much as in territorial extension as in population, There are 48 countries and 4 billion of people. The children’s challenges in Asia are big. Extreme climates, poverty situation, linguistic and cultural barriers, exploitation and violence besides premature death. According to UNICEF 3,8 million of children younger than 5 years died from diseases that could be avoided in the continent last year and 99 million in the same age group are underweight in relation to age. Even, according to UNICEF 40 million of children in Asia don’t attend school.

Nowadays, in Asia, we have only one country that works with PEPE, this country is East Timor. This work is being hope for the children that don’t have access to the nursery school. The program offers a quality educational support based on biblical principles. When these children finish the PEPE cycle, they can enter to the first grade and they can develop very well. The children’s parents have been testifying with gratitude how their children have been getting to develop through PEPE activities. The communities have been blessed with PEPE educational actions.

The first unit of PEPE in Asia started in 2016 in a small community in the city of Dili, capital of East Timor in a room of the temple of the Baptist Church in that city. Two new units started in 2018 and we are preparing to open more two new units. We have been dreaming a lot of things to do in all region and we believe that God is guiding us in these dreams.

Would you like to join us in this Dream with PEPE in Asia?

Southeast of Asia PEPE