New PEPE units for the Americas!

We have exciting news for you: PEPE is coming for more children from the Americas!

From January to March 2022 we started 18 new PEPE units in the Americas: four on the Dominican island and Argentina, three in Paraguay and Venezuela, two in El Salvador, and one in Bolivia and Colombia. These units began as a result of the work done throughout the year 2021, and now we have 340 more children being reached.

Starting a new unit of PEPE is a process of many months. It begins with field research to prove the need for a PEPE in the neighborhood, then a presentation to the pastor and the church, staff training, organization of the room and bathrooms, supply of materials, making contacts in the neighborhood, enrollment of children and start of activities. At that time, while we still live the effects of the pandemic, we continue with virtual training, but we also manage to perform some in person.

At PEPE, we are forming generations that will be God’s instruments to transform nations! This verse of Jeremiah 1:5 always struck me when the prophet said: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” To know that we were formed by the Great God who knew us before conception is tremendously wonderful. That is the truth for me, for you, and for thousands of children who are in every country on the American continent.

“Seeing a PEPE unit being formed is like seeing a child being born because it brings a lot of joy and fulfillment,” said a national coordinator. Therefore, I draw the analogy with the birth of a new PEPE thinking of God’s love for children and his concern for those who are born in homes without opportunities for physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual development. For this reason, and for them, God tells us to open new Pepe units.

Let us continue together to open new Pepes and to live compassion in every country in the Americas!

Carmen Lígia
PEPE Americas Continental Coordinator

Translated by Letícia Pedrosa Rodrigues

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