PEPE from El Salvador, in collaboration with the Canadian Baptist Missionaries (CBM), has done a great job of supporting families with children through the development of community projects.

In the PEPE units in the Ahuachapán region, for example, the children’s parents have the opportunity to participate in projects such as artisanal chocolate making, poultry farming, agro-ecological gardens and sewing.
The funds come from CBM and are distributed via the Cruz Blanca Commission of the Baptist Association of El Salvador to the churches in Ahuachapán and San Juan Nonualco, which have PEPE units. In this way, we can take care of the needs of the families of all PEPE children and prove that we can achieve more by joining forces!
We are now working to ensure that we can support even more families in the coming months, because we know that helping children involves reaching their families and their communities.
Gladys Ortiz – Regional Coordinator of PEPE Spanish language 2
Translated by Victor Baptista