Equatorian baptists renew the covenant with PEPE

The Equatorian Baptist Convention (CBE) has decided to resume its partnership with PEPE Network of World Wide Missions after seven years of not renewing its agreement with the program. Despite the period of time with the partnership, PEPE has not stopped its work since it came to the country in 2015.

In March 2023, the Vice President of CBE, Pastor Xavier Alvarado, invited us to a meeting at the organization’s headquarters to present the program to the President, Pastor Eusebio Pinguil, who was amazed at the work being done. In June, the CBE renewed the agreement with the PEPE Network.

The support of the national convention is important so that the Baptist churches open their doors to learn about the program. In November, we were able to attend the annual meeting of the Convention in the city of Guayaquil to present the program. On this occasion, two churches were interested in learning more about how PEPE works.

Right now we are in Joya de los Sachas, a city in the province of Orellana, working on the preparation of leaders and soon we will be in the Northeastern Baptist Association where we will share information about PEPE with national pastors and leaders.

We are praying that the PEPE Network will spread across the country and reach every province.

Angélica Marcillo de Vera – National Coordinator of PEPE Equador

Translated by Victor Baptista