Victories of the I Global Congress of PEPE Network

“The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” (Psalm 126.3).

“Something that has impacted me in the Congress was a group of brothers from Africa praising God in another language. Although I could not understand what theywere singing, I could feel the glory of God in my house. I feel the conviction that the work PEPE International is doing is something from God. Looking at all this work, I feel much more committed in continuing with our PEPE’s. God bless you!”

It was the exciting testimony of one of the missionary-educators, of one of the units of PEPE, after having the I Global Congress of PEPE that happened on the days 20 and 21 of November. This Congress was 100% digital, what brought a great challenge for the whole PEPE network and World Missions Board. We felt unable to do this task especially for the circumstances which live and serve most of the missionaries and missionary-educators. Most of them are in villages, countryside, impoverished communities with difficulty to access the internet, and others did not even had a cellphone device.

Something special happened: who did not have a device, gathered with whom had it to participate in the event. Some churches, from communities, opened their doors, making available the access to internet for the missionary-educators to gather in groups to participate in this event. One of our missionaries traveled 80 km, with his motorcycle up to another city to get access to internet and watch the program. Everyone could see and feel God’s acting blessing this movement of Global PEPE. Everyone was thirsty to learn to better serve the Lord.

In the Congress we had a celebration service, where we shared about our history, about the care for those who care for children, about professional education in pandemic time and after pandemic and we also had a message to strengthen our mission and vocation. After that time we had a workshop with relevant topics for the ministry and formation of the participants, which were: funds raising and sustainability, inclusive education, new curricular perspectives, child protection.

Wwe had the participation of more than 1400 people subscribed, from 33 countries where PEPE works, besides more than 100 volunteers involved who served on text production and review, translation, video edition, website development, technical support on zoom rooms, etc. Tivemos a participação de mais de 1400 pessoas inscritas, dos 33 países onde o PEPE atua, além dos mais de 100 voluntários envolvidos que serviram nas áreas de produção e revisão de textos, tradução, edição de vídeos, desenvolvimento de website, suporte técnico nas salas do zoom, etc. We hope to harvest many fruits from this work. That many children be better assisted and reached in their emotional, social and spiritual needs, as well as their families and communities.
Truly the Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!
Keep praying for us! This is your victory as well. It belongs to all who pray and cooperate with us.

Missionary Terezinha Candieiro
General Coordinator of PEPE International