Tracing the numbers – PEPE Togo

The numbers were written to each child’s perfection. Some big and some small; some closed and some open. No matter how. No rule, no mistake, it’s all part of the learning process. The most important thing is not to be afraid to take risks, to imagine, to create, and to ask, so that they can clear up their doubts and, in this way, decode the world around them.

When teaching numbers to children, the missionary-educators of PEPE of the Faith Baptist Church expose them to a variety of fun ways without limiting their imagination. Everything becomes a great game. The curious little eyes and attentive ears go through the board with great attention, so that the turns of each number are well executed.

Through contact with number writing, children develop logical thinking, both cognitive and emotional skills, and problem-solving abilities are expanded. In addition, when numbers are part of children’s lives, they facilitate literacy and help in all the other subjects that are worked on in preschool.

Rosimeri Francisco
Western Africa 2 Regional Coordination Assistant

Translated by: Juliana N. Martins

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