Do you know what CAMPAPEPE means? The name sounds different, but CAMPAPEPE is our PEPE camp! With great joy, but also with many struggles, the third training event for missionary-educators took place at the Batista de Itacurubí Convention Center, in the Cordilleras of Paraguay.
The event was scheduled for the February 6, 7, and 8, but the Ministry of Education (MEC) decided to move up the start of classes, and many PEPE missionary-educators did not have permission from their institutions to attend. Nevertheless, more than 60 missionary-educators and their families were able to arrive and update themselves while sharing their experiences and learning about the topics developed by the National Coordination through Pr. Javier Gallarza.
The topics of “Improving Knowledge in PEPE”, “Emotional Development”, “Improving the Curriculum” and others were of great interest, apart from the experiences shared by Sisters Lidia Klava, Nancy de Lugo and Vládia Soares. As PEPE’s Regional Coordinator in South America, I had the privilege of collaborating with the plenaries on Missionary Strengthening of the Church and Personal Mission in a world in crisis.

There was no shortage of music and games, Area Coordinator Ana Lúcia got even the most tired of missionary-educators moving with various choreographies and contests. Loady González, another area coordinator, coordinated the multimedia team and strengthened the community, as well as the commitment to continue providing excellent edutation to the children at PEPE.
It was decided that the next event will be held in the south of the country to further strengthen the work of the team and the training to Missionary-Educator update. We are praying together for resources to hold this event.
We continue to work at PEPE Paraguay to fulfill the mission!
Pr. Rubén Gonzales – Regional Coordinator PEPE South America
Translated by Victor Baptista