Testimony – Adalci – PEPE Wiwa

My name is Adalci Avila Angulo and I work for five years as PEPE National Coordinator in my country, Colombia. We have almost 1900 children studying at 80 units of PEPE.

In February this year we were able to start a unit of PEPE among the Wiwa, one of the more than 50 indigenous tribes of our country, that lives in a rural area very far from the urban area. Wiwa has a population of 13.267 people, most of them are children and youth, being 79% younger than 30 years old and only 2% older than 60. For their support they make and sell art crafts to tourists.

Wiwa children really needed a PEPE and it was with joy that we could implement one there with 90 children and we are already training and area coordinator that is also Wiwa.

With the pandemic arrival, restrictions measures were imposed by the authorities and with the social distancing, they have lost their income sources. Children got even more vulnerable due to basic food lack. When we saw the children hungry, we started to claim God for them.

That same week the World Missions Board made a prayer journey for the families of the world, and it was shared the needs of the Wiwa PEPE children.

Some time later I heard from our PEPE international leadership that sister Fernanda, a supporter of PEPE for many years had contacted and explained that her daughter Valentina would complete one year old and together with her husband they have decided to send the amount of Valentina’s presents to PEPE children of Wiwa community, which we were praying for food supply. Fernanda and Thiago, Valentina’s parents made contacts and started raising the needed resources to send basic food packages to children’s families.
We thought “there are 90 children, 90 families, will they be able to get resources for 90 basic food packages?”

We had no idea that the Lord had already prepared everything. In the end of almost three weeks sent presents in cash to Valentina and it was all sent to Wiwa children.

It was exciting to buy food and make the packages , seeing God multiplying the resources. We were able to buy food and prepare 90 basic food packages to 90 families!

-‘And now, how are going to give the packages during this pandemic time and social distancing?” – We mobilized volunteers, even the police helped us opening the way.

– And how wonderful! God is good! With this gesture the communities recognized the love of God through this generous gift.

There is hunger in the land. But there is hope. Jesus said: “You give them something to eat”. We obeyed and He has done a great miracle multiplying the resources. I am very happy and grateful to God because once more He gave us the opportunity to change the world of Wiwa children with Jesus’ joy!

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