PEPE South Africa

ECCLESIASTES 3:1 “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”

I greet you in the wonderful name of my LORD and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST.

The year 2020 has started very positively for PEPE SA and my prayer is that it will continue in this vein.

We kicked off the year with a 3-day training workshop at Botshabelo in the Free State province and there were 7 missionary educators present. We also had the privilege of welcoming a new team comprising of 3 ladies from Gauteng, as the previous missionary educator had left in November last year. The missionary educators were once again reminded of their commitment to the children that they have in their care every day and to show the love of JESUS in their interaction with the kids. There were also more practical exercises, as I feel that this is more conducive to learning than listening to someone else talking all the time. This made a big difference in the understanding of concepts, especially to the new missionary educators. They were also given a chance to share how things were done at their PEPE unit and then comparisons were made with the other units.

A friendly reminder was given to the missionary educators to go back to basics and not to deviate from the PEPE regulations, which was well received. A visitation meeting is provisionally planned for Gauteng in March, whereby the Area coordinator will accompany the National coordinator to familiarize herself with the new unit. The spirit that existed during the training was extremely positive and trusting and in this way personal challenges were shared and prayed for.

My prayer request is for one of the educators’ that could not attend, because of her fathers’ hospitalization; her name is Busie. The other request is for the PEPE unit in Virginia who did not attend and did not send a reason for the non-attendance.
Please pray for GOD to give me wisdom in how to deal with this situation, as it is not the first time that this happens with them.

May GOD continue to bless the PEPE ministry all over the world and may HIS will be done in the lives of the missionary educators and the little children that they work with every day.

Your servant in CHRIST

Vanessa Patience
National Coordinator of PEPE SA

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