PEPE’s annual meeting

The first meeting of the Coordinating Council of PEPE Network in 2019 with the participation of representatives of PEPE Internacional promoted by World Missions and PEPE Brasil promoted by ABIAH – Brazilian Association of Incentive and Support to Man, was held at the headquarters of World Missions in Rio de Janeiro.

The Council’s objective is to help measure the results of PEPE (socio-educational program), to strengthen the work and give recommendations to the program so that it can follow with greater excellence. So that the children may know Jesus and, at the same time, have a quality education in their integral development.

“Our mission is to give all children, regardless of their economic condition, access to education and to help them know Jesus,” says the PEPE International General Coordinator, missionary Terezinha Candieiro.

The Council’s vision is to be a global action program that will truly deliver significant development for children around the world.

“We have came to evaluate PEPE proposals, bring new ideas and help think strategically how PEPE can develop and expand its human development results,” says Joyce Meireles, ABIAH human development committee representative.

The meeting was attended by the representatives of ABIAH, the Efficiency sector of World Missions and, in a brief moment, the secretary general of the Brazilian Baptist Convention, Pr. Sócrates Oliveira, in addition to PEPE Internacional and PEPE Brasil representatives.

“We are very happy with this opportunity, for the people that God has gathered here. They are internal representatives of the program, but also external professionals who come with their competence to add their knowledge and their experience, in order to improve the program, “says Terezinha.

Pray for this Coordinating Council, for the ideas and projects they have to bless boys and girls of all nations. Pray that the Lord will lead them in all decisions and strategies to be developed.

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