PEPE Mozambique working to expand its outreach

We praise God for the growth of PEPE in Mozambique, where we passed from 96 to 99 units. Our challenge for the year 2020 is to make God’s will through the transformation of lives of the children that we have assisted, of their families and their communities. For that, we have encouraged the Parents and Guardian’s committee through our Action Plan, because we understand that these committees will be essential on the promotion of what we have taught the children also outside our walls, that’s why, being essential for the changing of the children and the whole community.

Today, we are sure that at least 80 units were already able to form the parents and guardian’s committee, which has helped in the development and promotion of the parenthood educational program with the families of the children, creating a synergy and fostering partnerships for the initiatives become more effective and engraved between the parents and the unit. PEPE has worked in partnership with the government and other partners as a way of monitoring the community development. This way, we have already done two meetings about parenthood education, with the focus on Child Protection. Besides that, it is known that the meetings about parenthood education together with the parents and guardians are established, in one side as a regulatory tool of the parts and by the other hand as a referential board for the relation between parents, he children and the unit.

The national coordination has encourage the units on the formation of the parents’ committee and the maintenance of the functionality of the meetings with the parents for what the children learn at the units they might continue in the families and in the communities, everything for the honor and glory of God. 

Antonio Daniel
National Coordinator of PEPE Mozambique

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