PEPE GOEs visits 286 families in Angola

PEPE GOEs is the strategy of PEPE that consists in visiting the families of children to meet them and involve them in the integral development of Pepitos. In Angola, PEPE has 60 units that care for 1,965 children. 286 of them received the visit of the missionary educators in their homes.

According to the area coordinator Januário Carlos Victorino this action made it possible to have a time of prayer and meditation on the word of God with the parents, besides hearing their feelings about the development of their children. It also made it easier for the local church to have access to families to continue preaching the gospel.

In addition, the visits made it possible to know the real situation of poverty and misery in which families live. Thus, PEPE units and local churches have the challenge of finding resources to better serve children considering their reality.

Data provided by: Januário Victorino.

David Panganhe
Southern Africa Regional Coordinator

Translated by Letícia Pedrosa Rodrigues

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