PEPE changing families in Panama

We give glory to God because PEPE has arrived in Panama and through it, many children has the opportunity to study and know the love of God. I want to share with two experiences from these last months.

The first one happened in the province of Colon, where works PEPE Sinai. Through the event that I start to describe, happened in this unit, God has awakened us to pray for the PEPEs in all aspects, even the most unusual ones. During the school vacations the classrooms are not daily used, because of that, a skunk family installed at the roof of one of the classrooms. We returned to the classes and the children were very happy, but when the skunk felt themselves invaded by the human presence, they decided to set their territory causing small damages in the classroom. It was necessary two days without the classes for the damages to be repaired. Beside that, the children had to be transferred to other classrooms for a week until all the work on the covering was done to avoid the skunk family to return. It was a very unpleasant experience for the teachers, but this confirms that we must be praying always for everything all the time.

The second, happened in the province of West Panama where works the PEPE Life Spring. Anthony and Natasha are two brothers that studied at PEPE Life Spring in the year 2016. They received the care from the educators Eledia and Yiniva. Received the first steps to the literacy and when they reached the needed age, they entered the first grade of a school in the town. Since they started studying at PEPE, they also started to participate at the Sunday services, Bible School, and many other activities in the church. This year, in the period of 13 to 20 of April, the evangelical crusade “There is life in Jesus” was done in the region, impacting many families that received visiting in their homes and hearing of God’s love. For our great joy, at the weekend, during the church anniversary celebration, God strongly talked to the heart of Anthony and Natasha’s parents and they gave their lives to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

We give glory to God because he gave us PEPE not only to help the children in the educational area, but also for them to know Jesus as their Savior and to become missionaries, taking Him to their houses and thus reaching their families!

Belén Peñafiel
National Coordinator of PEPE in Panama.
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