Pepe Cape Vert celebrates 12 years of existence with the certificates delivery for 103 children

The eight units of Cape Vert have joined to celebrate the Gospel hope that touched hundreds of children.

On July 6th of 2019, in the cinema room of the city of Praia, in Santiago island, in Cape Vert, dozens of families, parents, responsible ones and children participated together with the missionary-educators and the PEPE Cape Vert coordination in the celebration of the 12 years of PEPE in the occasion of the graduation of 103 children that will follow to the primary education. These children will take in their heart the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and we go forward trusting in His promises: “Teach the child according to the way to follow, and when he gets older, he will not get apart of it.” Proverbs 22:6   

In Cape Vert there are currently 8 units of PEPE, 7 in Santiago Island and 1 in Sao Vicente Island. From the 8 units of PEPE, 4 work in partnership with the Baptist churches and the other 4 in the churches: Assembly of God, Youth With a Mission, Evangelical Community and the Faith church. All together are more than 20 missionary-educators trained and the balance of the work and coordination of these 12 years (2017-2019) is positive, with hundreds of children assisted by PEPE in the social, familiar, moral, educational and spiritual formation of children among 3 and 6 years old. The challenges are many, because we are a country of Archipelago, but we will keep taking hope to heart of the children of Cape Vert, using all the opportunities, despite the obstacles that we face. 

Congratulations to PEPE Cape Vert, thank you regional and international coordination for the trusting and formation, and thank you a lot WMB for the support and continuous partnership.   

Diva Monteiro
National Coordinator of PEPE Cape Vert
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