New front of work among the indigenous in Paraguay

Grace and Peace from the part of Jesus Christ

I am very thankful to World Missions Board for its unconditional support to entry in the indigenous community, Mbyá Guaraní, with God’s word. The indigenous community Mbyá Guaraní is a group that does not accept the gospel of Jesus Christ, presenting prejudice against catholics as well as the protestants e do not allow the access of american nor paraguaian missionaries.

For a long time we wanted to take God’s word in this place and we were not accepted, although this time the circumstances were very different and we were able to talk with an American missionary pr. Timothy Revett (Foundation ñandutí) who got an approach with the chief Mbyá due to the educational need in the area: they wanted to have a school in the middle of the jungle, not very far from the city of Pirayú that is 40 Km far from the capital and closer to ITA another city that is 5 km far from this village. In this small indigenous community the native ones were put there without any access to water, electricity and work opportunity. Their lands were taken and they were forced to share the land with another indigenous group Guarani, the Aba GUARANÍ, what increased the calamity circumstances and the health problems.

It was then that through the International Coordinator of Pepe Network, Terezinha Candieiro, we requested help from JMM from the Brazilian Baptist Convention to venture in this very delicate ground seeing an opportunity to take God’s word through the native children. Receiving the support from the brothers in Brazil we were able to participate together in this development, beginning with the Foundation Ñandutí, the Organization Light of Hope and the World Missions Board of the Brazilian Baptist Convention.

Now this missionary incursion allow us to participate of the education of these Paraguayan indigenous brothers always marginalized by the society. We were able to start a school for the children that were not going to any national school for being rejected. Thank to all the brothers that helped in this noble cause and contributed to buy the furniture, blackboard, school material, books and other material to work with them.

A flash of hope was opened to the native ones of this tribe. There is still much to be done, but we are certain that with God’s help there will come a time when Christ will be glorified among them.

The needs are huge: milk for the children, clothes, food, doctors and dentists, medicine and above all the BLESSED GOD’S WORD.
Thank you for the great support to this project and for the opportunity to show THE LOVE IN ACTION.

Pr. Rubén González
Regional Coordinator of South America

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