Fresh and clean water for the Pepitos in Dili

The Feesca Baptist Association in the capital of East Timor is blessed with the donation of artesian filters which reached families of PEPE and from the local community. 

A group of Brazilian missionaries, who works with the cousin of our National Coordinator there in East Timor, when noticing that right after the floods, the population of Dili started suffering to get drinking water, as the rivers were full of mud,  found a way to help them. 

Then they were able to get the needed materials to build the artesian filter.  Our PEPE team gathered the families into small groups to distribute and teach them how to build the filter. 100 families got the artesian filters. 

Our pepitos and their families in East Timor now will have access to drinking water which is one of our essential needs. 

Lets pray for our pepitos to have their needs supplied there in East Timor. And keep receiving not only the drinking water, but also the Living Water who changes lives. 

Halima Ferreira
Regional Coordination of PEPE in South Asia

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