Is it really difficult to take care of our planet?
We teach the children that God created the world and it was all very beautiful, as we read in the book of Genesis. But now, after so many years, can God once again say that everything is still beautiful? We dirty rivers, seas and streets with garbage, we cut down trees burning forests, we pollute the air…
One of the challenges of today’s world is to take care of the environment, so at PEPE’s in Ecuador, we have a great movement, especially among the children of Manta, so that, from an early age, they learn to live in a clean and pleasant environment.
They carried out a project called “Caring for the Environment”, in which they happily go out together to improve the neighborhood where they live by collecting plastic bottles and egg cartons. The main objective of the project is to take care of the environment through recycling, some materials are sold and others were used to make costumes, together with their parents, for an exhibition where the PEPE children themselves paraded demonstrating their creativity.

Lectures on nutrition and health were also held, both for children and parents, to teach them how to eat better and wash their hands properly. I once heard someone say that children eat with their eyes, so we brought in an expert who taught them how to make different figures with fruits so that they would eat with pleasure.
With good nutrition and improving the environment, the children of the Ecuadorian PEPE’s are helping to build a better country!
Angelica Marcillo
Coordinator of PEPE Ecuador
Translated by David Balmant do Espirito Santo