A new PEPE is born in a new country in Asia

In March of this year, we began contacting Chinese church leaders in the Philippines to introduce PEPE to them, and they expressed interest in starting a new unit near a needy community. In researching the community, we found that more than a thousand children were living without access to education, and we understood how much of a difference PEPE would make in this place.

The leadership began talking to the local church, and following the guidelines of regional coordination, they accepted the challenge to start PEPE in that community. They then selected the people to be trained, and in July we started the training. The team was gathered in one place and with the support of a mediator it was possible to train the team online.

They actively participated and completed all the tasks proposed during the training to realize the project. During this time, they visited the community and gradually managed to register children who would become part of “PEPE Happyland”.

Now the children of this community have a reason to smile and the opportunity to receive a quality education and, above all, to know the love of the Father, which will surely bring great joy to the hearts of these children and their families.

And just as a new PEPE is born in a new country in this region, we count on your support and prayers so that more units will be opened in this country and more children and families will have the opportunity to benefit from a quality preschool education and much love of the Father provided by dedicated educators. We also need to find and train the new National Coordinator who will help us in this process of expansion in the Philippines. Help us accomplish the mission in this country through PEPE.

Halima Ferreira – Continental Director of PEPE in Asia

Translated by Victor Baptista

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