Indigenous kogui in Colombia needs a PEPE

We have started 2020 very excited and already with 13 children signed up to start PEPE in the Community Kogui. The missionary-educator of that unit is Simón Sungdingama, who tell us his story very moved: “When I was 7 years old I looked at myself and I did not want to live without studying, my parents were very poor and could pay for my education. When I could finally study, I was very happy. I wanted to help my family and when I grew, I would be able to teach many children giving them the opportunity to have a better future. All I have thought and planned in the past, today I am accomplishing it, thanks to my God. Our future is in God’s hands! PEPE is a blessing that carry in my heart”. Simon’s effort is very big, because he needs to walk for 8 hours each day, going down the mountain to arrive at the unit of PEPE and minister to children.

We are happy, says the coordinator of PEPE’s units in Colombia, Adalci de Avila, but the Covid-19 pandemic did not allow us to expand up to now. We are still waiting anxiously with children, full of hope of being able to finally start the classes.

The Kogui are a native people from Colombia who live in the North hillside of Serra Nevada de Santa Marta, with approximatelly 15.000 inhabitants, they speak their own language called Kogui or Kauguianes, and they are organized by population. They dedicate themselves in making crafts as backpacks, nets, etc. But due to the lack of tourists, they cannot support their families and prepare children to send to PEPE, supplying even with the basic that are clothes, shoes and school supplies.

It is very important to have shoes for children, because to arrive at PEPE, they have to walk long distances through stones. Besides that, the traditional boys’ and girls’ clothes are handmade with a white cloth. It is a blessing bringing PEPE Program to this Kogui community. We work to bring God’s love in action. Join us in this Project!

Rubén González
Regional Coordinator of South America PEPE

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