A house is donated to an Argentinean PEPE

In the region of La Plata, in the state of Buenos Aires, in Argentina, there are many children in a pre-school age. But, we did not have a space at the local church to start a PEPE there. So, we prayed to God, that loves children much more than we do, and, as always, the solution came from Him.

Celina Cornet, a sister from the Baptist Church Pueblo Nuevo, loved PEPE with all her heart. She was too sick, but before passing away, she made her last desire calling a notary public officer and registering the donation of her house to implement a PEPE there to reach many children.

The Argentinean PEPE’s coordinator, Graciela, whom we affectionately call Pepi, had the opportunity to know the life’s story of sister Celina e prove the such big heart she had to even leave such a generous legacy to help children. A great example of love for the little ones.
We received the house on the neighborhood El Cruce, and with the help of all the church, we painted and left it very beautiful to launch PEPE “Solecitos 2” there, with the missionary-educator Elsa Ortiz. But due to the pandemic, children could not attend the classes and another need came out: lack of food.

At the last PEPE formation in the region of Misiones, we motivated the brothers to contribute to the projects of assistance to PEPE’s families. Therefore, for loving children and for the need of taking the salvation gospel to their families, the churches have answered to our call.

God has touched hearts to bless children with food and even with a house. We are sure that He will continue to multiply his blessings through such generous hearts!

Pr. Rubén González
Regional Coordinator of PEPE, South America

Carmen Ligia (text edition)

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