At PEPE Paraguay, love is bigger than crisis

The economical reality of Paraguay is too hard, mainly during this crisis we are facing. Nowadays, PEPE’s children deal with total lack of food at home. Worries, drew me to ask donations for our children to not get hungry.

God, as always, was faithful! I was able to get resources and food that were given weekly to our dear students, together with the school tasks and materials like pencil and eraser, which most of them do not have.

But I also needed to raise food to my own children. Due to crisis, the church support for PEPE was affected, and I couldn’t get my contribution anymore. With my husband almost blind and a sick daughter, I started praying asking help for our God.

I love PEPE’s children and did not want to leave them. I love the ministry God has trusted me: care for children and give them hope of a better future. So I made a decision. I contacted some people and started cleaning many houses in the morning to get some money and be able to go on with PEPE in the afternoon.

Sometimes I am very tired, but being able to work with my children every afternoon renews my strength. God’s mercy fills me of joy. God gave me the grace to learn how to prepare video classes, something that was impossible a few months ago. Today I make a video-class per day to teach children whose parents have internet access.

I do not have everything I want, but I do have what I need every day. As PEPE does not stop, neither do God’s blessings upon my life!

Elena Suavil
Missionary-educator of PEPE Paraguay

Text Edition: Carmen Ligia – Continental Coordinator of PEPE America

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