Complementary projects

“The whole Gospel, for the whole man, for every men”. Following the motto of the Lausanne Pact, PEPE has made all the effort to implement the complementary projects in each one of its units in Africa to better serve children and their families. Each complementary project developed at PEPE units has been of great relevance to a holistic assistance to children. The world view of the child has been our focus and providing them the necessary to their whole development has been the clash of each unit to implement each project.

POPE Project (Preventive and Educative Deontology Program) has been developed at the units of PEPE where children follow a program of educative activities and daily brushing, besides receiving dental assistance of volunteer professionals of the area. In Guinea Bissau a NGO assure deontological assistance at the units of PEPE.

The Health Project is another initiative of great relevance at the units, through which children follow a series of health lessons that are available on the Health Manual of PEPE. Besides the lessons, other activities are developed and/or added according to needs of each context. In Cape Verde and Gambia, volunteer professionals have done medical assistance with children and their families.

The Nutrition Project is the most challenging of the complementary projects with regard to daily supply of a nutritive meal to children at each unit, given that these are located in needy zones and the churches do not have enough financial resources to meet the demand. Nevertheless, units in Senegal, Cape Verde and other countries where PEPE is developed, have made efforts to offer a proper meal to each child. In Guinea Bissau, PEPE has established a partnership with the local government to better serve and monitor children in the nutritional area.

Looking forward to overcome the obstacles to a perfect performance of the complementary projects, we praise God for the actions already done!

Ricardo Santos
Africa Continental Coordination

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